Wayfair Tech Blog

Wayfair DS Explains It All: Archi Mitra on Human-in-the-loop Systems

Archi 6

In this installment, Archi Mitra (Senior Machine Learning Engineer on the Computer Vision team) lays out an intro to Human-in-the-loop systems, which are used in every Computer Vision project here at Wayfair. Our Visual Search, Object Detection, Room & Style algorithm leverages this system to annotate training data and validate results. Media metadata tagging uses this system to improve tagging efficiency and build one of a kind integrated AI model development platform.



Archi has been with Wayfair for 1.5 years. During that time, he has worked on many projects, including visual search, before moving on to focus on broader Computer Vision agendas. Archi graduated from Northeastern University with an Engineering Management degree in Ethical AI & Machine Learning. Before joining Wayfair, Archi was a technology consultant working with insurance majors in Europe.
