Wayfair Tech Blog

Wayfair DS Explains It All: Lin Jia on Measuring Price Effects

Lin Jia 1

Understanding price effects is of high importance to any business, but usually it's not easy to measure. To do this, Wayfair’s algorithms team has been designing modeling and experimental approaches so that we can disentangle the intricate web of causality. In this video, Wayfair Senior Data Scientist Lin Jia explains a couple of ways that we can measure price effects.



Lin majored in aerospace engineering in undergrad at Tsinghua University before earning an MS in engineering management at Dartmouth. But due to a strong interest in data science and inference, she is now working as a data scientist in pricing optimization at Wayfair. Lin enjoys understanding the world of data and interpreting the world using data. She also likes assembling furniture & LEGOs, traveling, and good food.
